Jonathan and Jackson decided to play in the mud one Saturday. It was so fun to watch them! Jackson was sort of unsure about it at first but quickly jumped in and had a blast!! It is nice to have concrete floors for easy clean up when they decided to come in!!=)
The Hoggs saw a show in New Orleans and stayed with us for the night. It was SO much fun having them here. Ethan and Jackson were so cute. Jackson still talks about Ethan a lot!
Boyd and Patsy came to visit and just left this morning after a long weekend. It was so nice to have family come and visit. We had loads of fun from eating out, visiting New Orleans, to hiking!
We also had a super bowl party. It was so refreshing to have college students in our home again. I forgot how much I missed having them around!
A weekly event around here is cooking dinner with our neighbors. We love having them over, teaching them how to cook, and investing in them.
Jonathan is AMAZING!! One Saturday I decided it was time to cover our chairs! Now keep in mind the chairs are my grandmothers whom is 94! The chairs are very very old and needed some love! We went to Hobby Lobby and Jonathan picked out the fabric and as soon as we got home he got straight to work and before lunch they were all done! I am so thankful for his work ethic!!
Valentine's Day was so much fun. We have some friends in town that invited us to a Valentine's Party. It was fun to meet new people and to hang out with old ones. Jackson had a blast passing out his valentine's and also playing with his friends. Jackson also made me a music box at Lowe's the week before. It was so cute and I am so thankful for his sweet gifts!!
Can't wait till March!