(From the typing fingertips of Erin) Since our last post my sister, Brooks, and my Dad came to visit. They came in last Thursday, October 15, and stayed until Sunday. It was a great visit of doing nothing. I know it sounds crazy but we just ate, laid around, and of course they played with Jackson! Jackson enjoyed getting some one on one time with both of them!
(From the fingertips of Jonathan) Actually, we are NOT lazy...we have just been so the-opposite-of "lazy" that we haven't taken or made time to update the blog. As Erin mentioned, we have been busy with family. As my parents left, Erin's family came and left. Even yesterday, Wednesday the 28th, Aimee (Erin's sister) came to visit. Work-wise, we had our Fall Retreat this past weekend which was an awesomely exhausting weekend. Then there is always fun stuff happening with the college ministry at Emmanuel Baptist, which you can read about at www.emmanuelcollegeruston.blogspot.com
Jackson tee-teed in the potty for the first time on Sunday, October 25th! We were quite proud of him.
Jackson with Paw Paw. They had a great time reading books and playing
Jackson's first non-diaper, non-carpet, non-bathtub relieving of urine in the appropriate place.
Aunt B filled Jackson full of candy.
This is Jackson's best buddy, Ethan Hogg. He is a friend from church. Ethan is very patient.
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