So the past few weeks have been so much fun. Jackson and I left on the 13th to drive to Georgia while Jonathan left to go on a mission trip to San Diego. The trip with Jackson by myself was good. He is such a good boy! He only cried the last 30 minutes or so because he was done being in the car seat! I guess after 8 hours anyone would be ready! In Georgia we had so much fun. We shopped, ate lunch with Shelby, went to Regan's Author Tea, hung out with Aimee and Michael and ate Thanksgiving dinner! We stayed in Georgia until the 22nd and we picked up Jonathan in Nashville. It was so good to finally see him after being away for over a week! We drove to Hopkinsville, Kentucky and stayed there for another week. In Hop-town we shopped some more, played at the farm, ate Thanksgiving dinner, and just hung out! We had loads of fun at each place.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving in GA and KY!
So the past few weeks have been so much fun. Jackson and I left on the 13th to drive to Georgia while Jonathan left to go on a mission trip to San Diego. The trip with Jackson by myself was good. He is such a good boy! He only cried the last 30 minutes or so because he was done being in the car seat! I guess after 8 hours anyone would be ready! In Georgia we had so much fun. We shopped, ate lunch with Shelby, went to Regan's Author Tea, hung out with Aimee and Michael and ate Thanksgiving dinner! We stayed in Georgia until the 22nd and we picked up Jonathan in Nashville. It was so good to finally see him after being away for over a week! We drove to Hopkinsville, Kentucky and stayed there for another week. In Hop-town we shopped some more, played at the farm, ate Thanksgiving dinner, and just hung out! We had loads of fun at each place.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Preparing for the Holidays!
It is Sunday afternoon and Jonathan and Jackson are sleeping. I slept for a little while but could only think of the billions of things that needed to get done before we leave. Of course, updating the blog was first on my list!!
We are now decorated for Christmas and the reason we have it done so early is because we are going to be gone the entire Thanksgiving break and will only be home for a couple of weeks before we leave again for Christmas break. We wanted to enjoy the decorations.
Just last night we got to drink some tea from the middle east. Our adopted student from church is from Pakistan and he got some green tea shipped and wanted us to try it. We actually really loved it!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Halloween Fun!!
Jackson went trick-0r-treating for the first time! We went with the Inman family and with the Stokes family. It was so much fun watching Jackson! He wanted to eat the candy immediately! He was very surprised every time someone gave him candy! He was a lion and Jonathan was John Locke (from LOST). It is crazy how time flies looking back at how tiny Jackson was just this time last year!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Happy Half Day Wednesday!
Happy Half Day Wednesday! Jonathan is at home and we are going to rearrange the living room so that more students can fit into the living room for our Office parties. Also we received a package from Mimi today. Jackson got an Elmo stocking that sings. Right now as I type I hear Jackson crying because he wants Elmo to sing once again!! I am sure I will have to hide it before to long! =)
Jackson got his first ant bits this past Monday. He also got his first "Big Boy Boo Boo". In order to make him feel better he ate a muffin! He LOVES muffins!! He is growing up so fast!

"Dress like Daddy Day" CUTE!!
Jackson got his first ant bits this past Monday. He also got his first "Big Boy Boo Boo". In order to make him feel better he ate a muffin! He LOVES muffins!! He is growing up so fast!
"Dress like Daddy Day" CUTE!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Friday, October 3, 2008
Since September 19th...
Currently, it is Friday, October 3rd around 8:00pm and Erin and I (Jonathan) are hanging out at Crescent City Coffee House in Ruston. We have been playing with our Webkinz, Willie, and updating our blog. Jackson is at the church nursery for First Friday. We miss him, although it is good to have some husband and wife time.
Since our last post, Jackson has REALLY become comfortable with walking. He is really good at it too. He can almost run. He also likes to climb. He can climb all the way to the top of the attic ladder by himself (rest assured...we ALWAYS supervise). He has also discovered the great outdoors. He LOVES to go outside and play with sticks and in the dirt. He is definately all boy. We can hardly sit down without him bringing us one of his favorite books for us to read to him. He just crawls up in our lap with anticipation of us reading to him. Since he has some teeth, we got him some baby-toothpaste. He does really well with it, even brushing them himself.
We are gearing up for the events that happen in the Fall. College Football on Saturday's. Halloween costumes. Visitors from family. Holidays. Tons of students over to the house. Jackson visiting Daddy at work (those students LOVE him). It is a very exciting time.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Jackson turned 1 this past Wednesday. We had a family day out where we ate Jr. banana splits from Sonic at the park. Jackson totally loved the ice cream and being able to play! We also went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things and Jackson got two new Elmo videos. On Thursday we had a birthday drop-in. It was loads of fun and about 45 people came. We ate milk and cookies! Thanks to everyone who came! These are just a few of the pictures.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Jackson's pictures!!
So classes at Tech have finally started and things are up and running at the BCM which means Jonathan is BUSY!!! Jackson is really enjoying going to see Jonathan at work and getting so much attention from all the students! It is great for us at nights because Jackson is ready for bed!! Jackson is also starting to walk and takes about 5-6 steps at a time. He really hates to walk and has already learned that crawling is faster so why waste time learning to walk. It really amazes me how fast they learn!! Jackson has also started feeding himself more and eating more table food. Plus he is in a big carseat that faces forward! It makes me cry every time he does something that makes him a "big boy"!
A few weeks ago we had Jackson's year old pictures taken. It was a lot of fun! If you would like to view all of them please visit The pictures can be viewed under view proofs. Also please go and post a comment on her blog. We get free stuff plus Robyn is so great we want to get her name out there!!
A few weeks ago we had Jackson's year old pictures taken. It was a lot of fun! If you would like to view all of them please visit The pictures can be viewed under view proofs. Also please go and post a comment on her blog. We get free stuff plus Robyn is so great we want to get her name out there!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Less than a month till one year old!
It is Sunday, August 17th and we can't believe that in less than a month, we will have already had Jackson an entire year. Wow, how the times fly. We are finally at a place in life where we are not traveling all the time, like we have been all summer long. It is nice to get back to a routine and fortunately, Jackson has readjusted very well. He is getting so big and is on the verge of walking. He has this new face he has been making. He has learned to kiss (and somewhat blow kisses...although usually he prefers to just to mouth to mouth). He is into EVERYTHING. He loves to open drawers and pull everything our and attempt to put it back. He is trying new foods. Just today, he tried cornbread and jello. There isn't much he doesn't this point. I am sure he will turn into a picky eater like his mom and dad were as kids. Here are some updated images. Enjoy
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
After 5,223 miles of traveling over the summer we are in Ruston at last. The past week was so much fun. Jackson and I traveled to GA while Jonathan was in New Mexico at College Week. In GA, Jackson and I played a lot! We went to the Chattanooga Zoo, swam at Mr. Bills, had a birthday party, and played downtown. It was so much fun. We are so thankful to our friends and family for such a great week!!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Will the traveling ever stop...
Well, it is the latter part of July and we have officially been going non-stop it seems, for an entire month now.
Just to recap: June 23rd we left for Louisiana Director and Family Retreat in Arkansas, left there to go to Flintstone, Georgia for a few days. Jonathan's family picked us up and we drove to Hilton Head, South Carolina for a week, went back to Flintstone and picked up Shelby and Regan (nieces) and drove to Ruston, Louisiana for a 10 day stay with the girls. We left on the 16th of July for Panama City Beach as Jonathan is working X.Fuge. While at PCB, Aimee and Victoria got to come down for a long weekend. It was Victoria's first time to ever see the ocean. She was quite impressed. We will get back to Louisiana on Saturday, July 26th and stay for a few days until Erin goes to Flintstone for a week while Jonathan goes to New Mexico for a Collegiate Ministry Conference.
THEN, hopefully after that, things will settle down for a while. Poor Jackson is a tad bit thrown off of his schedule, thus sleeps with us every night it seems. It is great though. We are getting a lot of family time and it feels like one massive vacation.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Camp DJ
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
We just got home from an amazing vacation to Hilton Head SC. We went with the entire Clark side of the family. It was a BLAST!! Jonathan's parents rented a house for us, Billy (Jonathan's brother) and Monica and their four kids, Mike (Jonathan's other brother) and Tracey all came. There were 13 of us and we hung out at the pool, on the beach, at the tennis courts, the men played golf. We shopped. It was wonderful.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Last week began with the arrival of 3 new teeth. Jackson woke up on Monday with 2 teeth on the top and 1 on the bottom. FUN FUN!! I know that you can't see his teeth in this picture but Jackson had his 9 month old pictures taken and we wanted to share them!! You can see all of them at On the site click on client access and then portraits and then Jackson Clark 9 months. Hope you enjoy!!
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