Tuesday, June 30, 2009

vacation continued yet still....

Day 4- Today we spent the morning on the beach and at the pool, took naps, did more shopping, ate at the Mellow Mushroom, and ate some YUMMY gelato.

Jackson playing on the beach. I think he would stay there all day!

Jackson riding the Barney ride at the outlet mall. =)

Us at the Mellow Mushroom.

Jackson looking at all the YUMMY gelato!

Monday, June 29, 2009

still on vacation....

Day 3- Today was similar to yesterday. We hung out on the beach and pool this morning, napped in the afternoon while Jonathan and Boyd played golf, ate at Lambert's, and shopped at the outlet mall. What a great day besides of the rain..=(

Jackson getting ready to ride the waves. He totally LOVES the ocean.=)

Eating at Lambert's. We all ate way to much food!!

Jackson running around the outlet mall. Jonathan thought it would be funny to put a stocking on Jackson's head. Jackson thought it was funny and even posed for a picture. The fun never ends.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Vacation continued

Day 2: Today we played on the beach, swam in the pool, took a big long nap, ate dinner, hung out at the Wharf, and rode a ferris wheel!


Day 1: New Orleans- A quick visit with Morgan at Centri-kid at Mississippi College, The Audubon Zoo, and a visit with old friends...(which included staying at the hotel that Jonathan worked at while we lived in NO).

Morgan and Jackson=)

The Zoo

Joy (my old roommate) and her daughter Peyton plus Jackson and me.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mother's Day and Father's Day

For Mother's Day Jonathan got me some Ice Java, which he had to get off ebay because they don't have it in stores anymore! He also got me some honey mustard from McAlister's. I know it might sound crazy but it is EXACTLY what I wanted!! He also got me a key chain with Jackson's picture on it. What a great Mother's Day!!

For Father's Day I got Jonathan stuff for playing tennis: new shorts, new tennis balls, a head band, and of course hot tamales. I also cooked him dinner and made him an ice cream cake. The ice cream cake was SO easy and worth trying. Below is a picture and the recipe.

8 ounces chopped semisweet chocolate, melted
4 cups crisped rice cereal
2 pints ice cream

-In a large bowl, combine the chocolate and cereal until the cereal is completely coated. Transfer to a 9-inch plan. Press the mixture into the bottom and 1 inch up the sides of the pan. Freeze just until firm.
-Spread the ice cream in the prepared crust and freeze, covered, until firm, for a least 2 hours and up to 3 days.

I got the recipe from Real Simple.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Post from Jonathan...all by himself

So, Erin was like, "Let's post a new blog." I was like, "There's nothing new to post." She said, "You can tweet on twitter all day long, but you can't think of anything to blog about." I thought to myself, "touche." So, here we are.

The iPod Erin bought me for a wedding present 4 years ago died, so I got a new one (32 gig, iPod Touch, which I saved every penny for). I have a lot of apps on there that are for little kids that Jackson just loves.

Marmee is teaching the 2-year-old VBS class at Temple this week, so she wanted Jackson to come. He has LOVED every minute of it. He plays and eats and wears himself all out. It is also a week of Lousiana Tech Freshmen Orientation, so Jackson has been doing the BCM deal this week. I am glad students love him and that he feels so comfortable around large groups of strange people...well, at this point I do.

We have been going out more on my bike with his bike seat. He enjoys it a lot nowadays. Also, Erin is borrowing a bike from a friend, so now we get to do that as a family.

Jackson is feeding himself, which is GREAT for meal-times.

So, I guess that is about it that is new in the life of the Clarks. The End.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Our trip to Flintstone!!

Flintstone was so much fun. We went to see Shelby graduate from the 5th grade! I am so proud of her and can't believe she is going to be a middle schooler. I love you Shelby!!

Fun at Collidge Park. The kids were so great and had LOADS of fun!!

My trips to Flintstone ALWAYS include Jessie..She totally has my heart!

Jackson watching Dixie eat! It was so cute!!

Cleaning out Granny's storage unit. We found her old glasses!! HA HA

I love you GRAN!

Playing at Elmo park! They have so much fun together!

Fun times at Sweet Peppers Deli.

Jackson having fun at 'Nay's' house!

Playing with Sadie and Mason!!

Watching Awards Day with Aunt 'B'