So we haven't had a new post in a couple of weeks because Jonathan's computer crashed AGAIN! We lost most of our pictures from Memorial day weekend except the ones that were still on the camera. I hate it! Oh well, life goes on!!
Things in the Clark family are running smooth. We got home from being in Flintstone and were off to be in Tracie Bryan's wedding. It was a lot of fun. We also have gotten to go swimming a few times which is loads of fun. Jackson has started to really like the water! As for us on an individual basis, Jonathan is working hard at the BCM and working a lot outside. He has been riding his bike a lot too! Sure does help with the price of gas these days! I have been spring cleaning and loving it. I love to walk into a room that is cleaned out!! I just finished Jackson's room and will now start on our room. Our room will be a big task because it seems to catch everything! Jackson is crawling everywhere and pulling up! He will be 9 months old tomorrow! It is neat to watch him learn so many new things.
We are all getting really excited about our vacation. We can't wait to hang out with family and see the beach again! Jackson is going to be so much fun!