Saturday, April 10, 2010

When Family Comes To Town

As you can probably tell Erin is making a post. I, Erin, like pictures over words:) Well, our families came to visit. My mom, dad, and nieces came on Tuesday and left on Friday and Jonathan's parents came on Thursday and left on Monday. It was so much fun just hanging out, eating good food, and just being together! We miss our families and are so thankful when they are willing to make the long trip to visit!!

Jonathan decided to draw on Jackson. He has Paw, Jonathan and himself on his belly. One day we went to Lincoln Parish Park. It was fun feeding the birds and just being outside.

The boys went on an adventure!!

Patsy always being suprises!!
We also visited the Tech Farm. It is always so much fun seeing and smelling the animals. Also petting the cows who give us our milk!!

Jackson LOVED this part of the trip!!

Mimi and PawPaw stayed at a hotel with a pool! We spent a lot of time there!!


1 comment:

aureliajoy said...

You have the sweetest little boy! And your nieces have grown up so much!