Sunday, August 22, 2010

the end of summer!!

Although college students are still three weeks from starting classes, we are done with our "summer schedule" and back up and running full steam! We have completed our vast amounts of travel (4,942 total miles traveled...not including air travel) and are back to our normal schedule. Erin has started babysitting a 6 month old every day from 7:30 to 3:30. I have been working full days in preparation for the Fall Quarter. Jackson has QUICKLY gotten back on a schedule of going to bed a decent hour and having another baby around (He is so good around is VERY affirming concerning the adoption and how he will do as a big brother).

Our last segment of travel consisted of Collegiate Week 2010 in Glorieta, New Mexico. It was GREAT not having to drive, as we all rode on a charter bus with about 50 other students and staff/families. Jackson did a great job and really enjoyed the freedom that comes with a bus. The conference was incredible and has had Erin and I dialogging about ministry and missions! Plus, we got sweet and much needed time with students.

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