Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I want to be a good blogger but...

So, I want to be a good blogger but these days it has been really difficult to find time. One of the main reasons is that we only have one good computer, which sounds so lame considering that the majority of the world is completely clueless as to what a computer even is, but once Jonathan gets home to where I can actually use the computer I either don't want to or want to just be together as a family. So, since Jonathan and Jackson are watching a Sesame Street ABC movie before bed tonight I decided it was time to blog... Also because we are moving.. Yes we are leaving Ruston and moving to Hammond, LA. Jonathan got a job being the BCM director at Southeastern Louisiana University (SLU). We are super excited about the adventure yet really sad to leave the place that caused us to be better. Ruston has been the place where we learned each other, had Jackson, watched him grow into a sweet little man, made amazing friends, and SO much more. It was our FIRST of a lot of things and it will always hold a special place in our hearts! We are so sad to go but know that the Lord is leading us and we desire to be obedient above all else. =)

Jonathan had a birthday. He made 34. His parents came to visit and we all had a great time. They spoiled us rotten and I think we all gained about 10 pounds.

Jackson is becoming quite proficient with his new bicycle he received for his birthday back in September.

1 comment:

askinner said...

Congrats on the new job! So glad to see what the Lord is doing in ya'll's lives :)