Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Blue Ice Cream = Green Poop

Erin has graciously allowed me, Jonathan, to update this post. The reason being: she has found some documentary on PBS.

So, the summer is quickly coming to an end. I am no longer working 9am-noon. I am back to full days in anticipation of the craziness that is about to ensue here at Louisiana Tech and all the BCM events surrounding it. What does all of this mean? It means I take FULL advantage of my time with Jackson in the morning and in the evenings as I jump in the tub with him almost every night and play. We snuggle on the bed together watching Blue's Clues prior to our family pray/singing/Scripture time before bed. He is so wonderful and definately my best little buddy.

Last Friday we enjoyed an evening together at home as a family and then decided to go to Wal-Mart and Maggie Moo's Ice Cream shop. Jackson is like a kid in a candy store when he goes into an ice cream store. He gets so excited. He only knows one color, "blue" (either he knows more and enjoys messing with us by calling every color "blue" or he has some weird eye disorder where he legitimately sees everything in blue). Anyway, he picks out some Blue Cotton Candy Ice Cream and we sit there and eat our $12.55 worth of ice cream.

The next day, I get an invitation to go play disc golf at SGA Park with some buddies. I decided to take Jackson, just because I love the time with him and I enjoy him living the adventure that comes with access to unlimited dirt, sticks, rocks, etc. Well, 4 holes into our 18 hole course, Jackson gets really still and his face turns red, which tells me, he's taking a dump. I figure since it is a hot day and he is running around sweaty, the last thing he wants is warm stool sitting snugly in his diaper, so I decided to go on home and get him changed.

I realize that this is no ordinary poo. It was massive. I was such the proud papa. We took him straight to the bathroom and I stripped him down as I noticed it was all up his back and all over his clothes. It was awesome. It was such a rich hue of green. We put him in the tub and hose him off (thanks to our mobile shower head) and the water turns as green as a crystal sea.

Since this has quickly turned potty-talk, Jackson's new favorite thing to say "ewww Daddy pooted...shoo wee." I am NOT hesitant to say that he also appropriately says "ewww MOMMY pooted...shoo wee" (I hope Erin chooses not to proof this post).

I guess that is all that happened last week: Jackson crapped a lot of green.


Oops, Erin says there is more to our week than just that.
  • Erin made her grandmother's homemade cookies to take to church for an after-church fellowship. That brought back some good memories for her.
  • Erin also sewed, which impressed the pants off of me. She MADE Jackson a pillowcase and a top sheet...and not even from a pattern! She just took some fabric and her sewing machine and voila! A pillowcase and a top sheet.
  • We enjoyed a great time of fellowship with some church friends at a cookout. Jackson has a new buddy from church named Ethan. They are great friends and play well together.
  • Jonathan fixed a mower.
  • Thursday we got Jackson's 2-year-old pictures made by the very-talented, Donald Page out at Lincoln Parish Park. Jackson LOVED playing out there...and we got some great shots.
  • ...and the same old same old

Green Poop

Erin's grandmother's cookies (which Jackson calls "dookie")

Jackson's new pillowcase and sheet

One of Donald's pictures (Erin made that shirt too!)


Calvary Women's Ministry said...

That was disguistingly hilarious. Eli is standing right here saying, "I want see that poop." So funny. Only parents of boys can appreciate a good dump. :) So glad y'all are our friends. We love you all (and your poo).

Unknown said...

Looking for information about daughter's green poop and found your story. She too had Maggie Moos blue cotton candy ice cream. Your story helps support my thoughts on what caused her strange colored poop.

Unknown said...

Exactly the same thing here! 2nd child, I forgot this can happen!